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The Forgetting Curve

If the Forgetting Curve never existed, we would be able to remember everything we’ve been ever taught!

The Spacing Effect

Ebbinghaus innovated a solution to overcome the forgetting curve issue through something called the spacing effect.

What Is the Forgetting Curve?

The Forgetting Curve is a memory model created by German psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus.

The Spaced Repetition Solution

What Is the Spacing Effect?

It is the observation that knowledge repetitions spaced in time tend to produce stronger memories than repetitions massed closer together in time.

The Inevitability of Forgetting 

Ebbinghaus’ theory proves that, on average, 90% of learned materials are being forgotten within ONE month!

Increasing Knowledge Retention of Forgetting 

Revisiting training materials at regular intervals helps increasing the overall knowledge retention rates. Also, the utilization of micro-learning instead of massed learning can effectively overcome the forgetting curve.

The Knowledge Retention Challenge

Spaced Repetitions Barriers & Solutions

The Conventional Ways Are No Longer an Option

Spaced training repetitions conducted in the traditional ways require assembling the team with an instructor for multiple times, which can cost your team times, effort, and expenses.

Micro-learning in Action

Consilium utilizes micro-learning techniques, using its virtual platform to ensure achieving high knowledge retention rates in a time- & cost-efficient way.

The Need for an Unconventional Solution

An unconventional solution is needed to conduct such frequent sessions in a cost, time, & effort-efficient way.

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Your Gateway to Exceptional Knowledge Retention Rates

Utilize the Power of Follow-Up Quizzes & Tests

Consilium integrates follow-up knowledge tests & quizzes to ensure an efficient learning experience.

A Virtual
Training Methodology

Adopting a virtual training solution can significantly reduce such trainings’ costs & efforts efficiently.

Increasing Engagement Through Competition

Consilium empowers you to conduct training modules in the form of competitions between teams to increase employees’ engagement with the training material.

Consilium Is a Part of a Bigger Picture, a Wide Spectrum of Virtual Training Solutions

Consilium is part of bigger spectrum of services that all fit in the employees’ development journey.

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A virtual training solution that facilitates knowledge delivery and retention.

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A virtual training solution that facilitates scenario-based sales calls management.

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A virtual training solution that facilitates multimedia, competition-based training modules for long-term.

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