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FIVE Consilium Features That Can Overcome the Forgetting Curve

Updated: Apr 18, 2024

Gaining new knowledge through training modules and methods might have multiple challenges. However, one of the most threatening challenges that most trainees find is forgetting what they learned, especially, when it comes to learning new or complex technical skills.

Such phenomena was studied by Hermann Ebbinghaus, who coined the term “Forgetting Curve” to explain why we forget the knowledge we gained and how we can ensure retaining it!

The Forgetting Curve is a formula founded by Hermann Ebbinghaus, in which, he proved that learners rapidly lose their memory of learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless the information is consciously reviewed.

In this blog post, we are listing the top FIVE techniques Consilium utilizes to overcome The Forgetting Curve.

Consilium is a virtual training solution that helps corporate professionals gain knowledge through bite-size learning modules and material with studied spaced repetitions. Such training can be conducted through competition-based modules or normal ones and can be conducted across teams, departments, and regions as well.

1. Integrate Spaced Learning

Studies show that learners digest knowledge if they are divided in the form of short chunks. Such method guarantees maximum efficiency in knowledge gaining. However, to ensure that your team won’t forget what they learned, such bite-size learning material should be repeated in spaced intervals within the same module to ensure higher knowledge retention.

Consilium helps you to seamlessly create training modules that integrate bite-size learning material repeated in spaced intervals of time to ensure high knowledge gaining and retention!

2. Ensure Accessibility

Knowledge retention can get a lot easier when you ensure that your training material is easily accessible. Most professionals have very busy schedules, especially, those who have tasks that obligates them to manage the outdoors, such as sales professionals. Facilitating access to repeated learning materials in spaced intervals with a simple reminder through their cellphones or laptops that can be accessed anywhere is important to ensure overcoming The Forgetting Curve.

Consilium facilitates the access to all training modules remotely from any device, which increases accessibility to training material and satisfying training sessions adherence rates, and finally, ensures high knowledge retention rates!

3. Embrace Engagement

Utilizing engagement methods in the learning experience has proven to increase adherence to training rates and knowledge retention as well.

Consilium facilitates the integration of multimedia in any training modules, supporting all types of files, to increase interactivity with the learning material. Moreover, Consilium incorporates competition-based learning modules that aim to engage employees in their learning paths. Such features help your employees gain knowledge and retain it more easily when compared with the traditional learning techniques and modules.

4. Make Learning a Dominant Culture

Consilium builds an entire culture of learning that transcends traditional e-learning formulas. Through Consilium, you can easily divide teams and build competition-based learning modules, and their results are published periodically on public leaderboards. Such methods engage employees and help stimulating a peer learning experience where your employees can learn from each other during each competition to submit their collective answers!

Such open learning culture increases knowledge retention rates and helps overcoming The Forgetting Curve.

5. Ensure Relevance

The human mind is extremely selective. What makes us forget some information and remember others is how relevant it is to us. In corporate trainings, the content of each module should be tailored to be relevant to your trainees to ensure maximum engagement with the learning material and high knowledge retention rates as well.

Ensure that the content you provide during the training would make it easier for your employees to accomplish their tasks!

Consilium is supported by an integrated content creation and management team that will customize and create each training’s module content based on the functions of each team and the objective of the training to ensure high training material relevance.

Overall, Consilium integrates multiple techniques to ensure overcoming The Forgetting Curve seamlessly and increase knowledge retention rates, which constitutes a common roadblock to most teams when it comes to their developmental paths.

To know more about Consilium, visit our Features page.

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